Governance Infrastructure of Education – Training – Work Continuum: Some Missing Dots

In Carton, M. & Hofmann, C. (Guest Editors), “The Education-Training-Work Continuums: Pathways to Socio-Professional Inclusion for Youth and Adults.  NORRAG Special issue (NSI) 8,  Geneva: Norrag and ILO.

This chapter proposes a governance infrastructure to guide and coordinate six education–training–work transformations, namely, human capacity and demography; consumption and production; decarbonization and energy; food, biosphere, and water; and smart cities and digital revolution (The World in 2050 Initiative Report, 2018).


Competitive Advantage & Quality of Human Resources of Russia

Centre for Socio-Eco-Nomic Development, Geneva, 2005.

This article sets out to provide an overview of the field of national competitiveness studies and its relation to high quality human resources and correspondingly to high quality education and training.


Guarantee Training Effectiveness through use of the Quality Assurance System

Training of Diplomats: Guarantee Training Effectiveness through use of the Quality Assurance System (ISO 10015)”


Stakeholder-based Monitoring of Leadership Training in Public Administration

This book chapter introduces a quality assurance dimension, which is not sufficiently addressed by the Standards of Excellence for Public Administration and Education. The authors describe the benefits of applying the ISO 10015 Standard for Training. This standard ensures efficient organisation of the learning process but also shows that successful training requires stakeholder involvement in the training of proper governance processes and a close alignment between leadership competence and the country’  development strategy.


Guarantee Training Effectiveness through use of the Quality Assurance System

Training of Diplomats: Guarantee Training Effectiveness through use of the Quality Assurance System (ISO 10015)”, 2007, Lichia Yiu and Raymond Saner


A Strategic Instrument in Human Capital Development

“ISO 10015: A Strategic Instrument in Human Capital Development”, Raymond Saner & Lichia Yiu, Briefing Note


ROI + Training = ISO 10015

ROI + Training = ISO 10015, Raymond Saner & Lichia Yiu


Methodological Inquiry

“Training for Results : Methodological Inquiry”, Lichia Yiu, Raymond Saner & Joseph Champoux


Competitive Advantage & Quality of Human Resources

Competitive Advantage & Quality of Human Resources applied to China, Raymond Saner


Ensuring efficacy and efficiency of training investment based on ISO 10015

Ensuring efficacy and efficiency of training investment based on ISO 10015 Quality Assurance. In The role of training in the implementation of the policy of sustainable spatial development in Europe. European spatial planning and landscape. No. 76, March 2005. pp 39-45