AdeQuATE 10015+: Certification and Registration
To date, AdeQuaTE remains to be the ONLY Certification Body that issues accredited certificate for high performance training management system in the world in accordance to AdeQuATE 10015+ requirements.
Companies and organisations recognising this underlining link between training and organisational performance have sought AdeQuATE 10015+ certification for their training management system. Through this audit process, companies have been able to ensure that their training investment is aligned with their future business development and performance objectives. Companies in Argentina, Bahrain, Brazil, China, Egypt, India, Lebanon, Malaysia, Qatar, Saudi, Switzerland, Taiwan and other European countries have participated in training workshops or expressed interest in applying for AdeQuaTE 10015+ Certification.
The following companies and organisations have obtained AdeQuaTE10015+ certification and have been registered accordingly.
Some companies, for example, Haier Group Company (Qindao, China) successfully passed the first audit in 2002. Other companies certified are Jiang Huai Automotive Company (JAC, Hefei, China); Nanhui Telecom Bureau, Shanghai Telecom Company Limited (Nanhui County, Shanghai, China); Ernst & Young Bahrain (Manama, Bahrain); Sona Koyo Steering System Company Ltd. (Gurgaon, Haryana, India); Qatar Foundation (Doha, Qatar); Coromandel International Ltd. (Secunderabad, Andhra Pradesh).
For details of certification and registration information, please click here.

Organisations interested in AdeQuaTE 10015 Certification and Registration, please contact us for more information and application:
AdeQuaTE c/o Centre for Socio-Eco-Nomic Development (CSEND)
P.O.Box 1498 Mont Blanc
CH-1211, Geneve 1, Switzerlan